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9:34 PM
Labels: anime, Free Stuff, Gaming, Newsy, Sailor Moon, Serious
We all know about the “popular” series that get promoted to
the moon and back. There’s a definite inclination to groan and wish them a
speedy departure. However, sometimes truly beautiful art rides in on the coat
tails of otherwise lacklustre experiences.
What kicked this blog off was discovering non-brain melting ways to enjoy a few different series that otherwise I’m not
particularly fond of. Specifically, I’m going to be talking about fan works for
Twilight and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Let’s start with Twilight. Meyer’s concept was not bad; it was just poorly handled. Used
skillfully, it is fascinating and can make for a gripping story.
Thankfully, this thought also occurred to other people.
“Buffy vs. Edward”, an excellent parody and
exploration of some of the more unhealthy attitudes espoused in Twilight, follows
a theoretical journey from the first encounter between Buffy and Edward to the
last. It feels like an actual Buffy episode, while retaining its own character.
Incidentally, its history also provides an excellent example of the Fair Use
clause. If you have any interest in copyright law, you might find reading about the video most illuminating.
However, the crowning glory of the theoretical “what could have been” for Twilight is the fan novel Luminosity.
I cannot help wishing that this was the real Twilight, because there is so much
to it. Alicorn took the outline formed by the original novel and fleshed it
out, turning it into a living, breathing world. Luminosity’s premise is “what
would happen if Bella was clever and loved to think about the world around her?”
While not a grand planner, this Bella does think things through, and while on
the whole, her efforts to help do good (at first), the novel also shows the
dangers of relying overly much on one’s own cleverness. (in this case, one
small detail Bella overlooks undoes her) It’s a surprisingly balanced story,
and, even if you cannot stand the original books, is highly enjoyable.
The theme song for Breaking Dawn part 1 is lovely (and the only part of the film I like lol), and so is the PianoGuys' cover of it.I liked song (particularly the melody) before finding out that it was written for a Twilight film; I still think it is beautiful. :) Apparently this cover was made as present to a family member of theirs.
The current MLP fandom never ceases to amaze me. The same passion that drove this fandom to howl all over the internet for months about a character's promotion also fuels far more creative - though equally involved - endeavors. One of the most impressive gifts this fandom has to offer is its music, including full, nuanced symphonies and soundtracks! Here is one of the loveliest of the fan albums I've bumped into. I was pleasantly surprised to find this in my messages one day (in a fan art group that accepts all kinds of fan art) It sounds like the highlights from an epic fantasy film. :)
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9:51 PM
Labels: Literature/Novels, Pony Oddness