September 25, 2006

Is love worth the price?

Is caring about others worth the occasional(and sometimes not-so-occasional) grief that goes along with it?

Well, God seems to think so. God knows everything about everything; past, present, and future. He cannot be tricked. Consequently, He must have known that He would be betrayed by many of His creations. He also knew that the ones who stayed with Him would still grieve Him from time to time until sin is destroyed. He still chose to make them and to allow them to think for themselves.

Because of His choice to make angels and humans and give them free will, I know God values love and free will very highly indeed.

The sorrow that often pursues love can come from an unkind word or deed, from an accident, from losing a friend to something...

In spite of the pain, God still chooses to love His creatures. In spite of the pain, love still enriches a person's life in ways indescribable.

Treat your friends well. Make sure they know you care. You never know when you could lose them or how.

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