March 24, 2007

Which Keyblade Keychain are you?

You are the Oathkeeper Keychain!
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This is my favorite keyblade.


What Howl's Moving Castle character are you??

You are Sophie! You are shy and polite, but can be stubborn.You don't like fighting either. You can be conservative sometimes too. And YOU LIKE THINGS CLEAN!!!!!
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Sophie is such a neat character. I like how she deals with tough problems. :)


You Are Apple Pie

You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional

Those who like you crave security

What Kind of Pie Are You?
Eh, not really.

Your Leprechaun Name Is:

Stinky Shortlegs

You Are a Creative Gift Giver

Your gifts are one of a kind, special, and well chosen.

Whether you've made it yourself or searched all over town...

There's really no one who has more of a personal touch than you.

Mom and I both like to do things that are appropriate